Click and help
change Lives

Every click on our ads feeds those in need.

Your clicks count

Generate resources for our charitable cause

With one click, you help others

Support those who need it most

Clicks that help
Solidarity impact

Supporting those who need it most

At Clickandshare, we are a non-profit organisation dedicated to generating financial resources through ad clicks, helping those who need it most.

2k+ Clicks

We are growing every day, join us.

Solidarity Projects

We support those most in need through donor clicks.

Community Aid

Our projects seek to generate resources to feed those who need it most through the collaboration of donors who click on our banner ads.

Three cupcakes with blue and white frosting are displayed on a white plate. Each cupcake features an edible decoration with the text '43 Clicks North', along with a logo in blue.
Three cupcakes with blue and white frosting are displayed on a white plate. Each cupcake features an edible decoration with the text '43 Clicks North', along with a logo in blue.
Social Initiatives

We develop initiatives that allow the community to actively participate in helping the most vulnerable, transforming clicks into concrete actions of support and solidarity.